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"This is a brilliant contribution to the sociology of literature in Latin America and an exceptionally well researched and argued book. Using a world literature approach, with a critical emphasis on Bourdieu and Casanova, it carefully explores the place of the McOndo anthology [...] in the constitution of a generation of Latin American writers and their relations with other literary actors in the literary field. This in depth case study allows the author to significantly contribute to our understanding of the relations between the canon and the Latin American literary field or space. The interviews with all the writers and other actors involved are themselves, finally, a great contribution to the field"

------- Juan Poblete, University of Califoria - Santa Cruz

"McOndo Revisited is a major contribution to the study of one of the critical moments of Latin American literature's ongoing struggle to be a part of world literature. The concept of "Latin American Literature-World" developed in these pages will reorient many discussions in the years to come."

------- Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado, Washington University in St. Louis

2022, "Se habla español as 'McOndo 2.0:' Post-Magical Realist Anthologies in Latin America". For Special Issue on "Post-Magical Realist Literatures" for Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 49.1-2: 69-94.

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2022, "McOndo's anthologized afterlife". Chasqui. Revista de literatura latinoamericana 51.1: 207-33 .


2022, "Reading Bourdieu in Casanova: field theory, illusio, and habitus". Invited contribution for Special Issue on "Field Theory and Post-Autonomy: Between World Literature and Minor Literatures" in Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 5.1: 7-29.


2020, “Re-thinking McOndo and its Canonization.” Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 26.2: 226-46


2020, “Developing Casanova’s Theory and Methodology: An Assessment of Latin Americanist Critiques from the Academic-Literature-World.” 1616: Anuario de literatura comparada 10: 107-35. Winner of Best Article for Early Career Researcher, Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia

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2019, “Ilan Stavans’ anthologization of the Latino community in the United States.” Stavans Unbound: The Critic Between Two Canons. Bridget Kevane (ed.). Boston, Academic Studies Press, 156-66

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2018, “McOndo y el Crack fueron un diagnóstico de la situación de América Latina.” McCrack: McOndo, y el Crack y los destinos de la literatura latinoamericana. Pablo Brescia and Oswaldo Estrada (eds). Valencia, Albatros Ediciones, 255-66


2021, “A Personal History of McOndo: An Interview with Alberto Fuguet 25 Years Since the Anthology.” Thomas Nulley-Valdés (trans. Spanish to English), Latin American Literature Today 20 (December) 

2021, “From Writing Workshop to Creative Writing Program: Interview with Isaías Peña Gutiérrez (Universidad Central).” Thomas Nulley-Valdés (trans. Spanish to English), Latin American Literature Today 19 (August) 

2021, “Australian Journey Introduction,” “Travelling Country,” “A Land of the Weird and the Monstrous,” “A Wide Brown Land” from Australian Journey: A Story of a Nation in 12 Objects. Thomas Nulley-Valdés (trans. English to Spanish), Australian Studies Institute and National Museum of Australia 

2019, “The New Latino boom in the United States and Se habla español: Interview with Mayra Santos Febres.” Thomas Nulley-Valdés (trans. Spanish to English), Latin American Literature Today 12 (November) 

2017, “‘Living out of place has led me towards the defeat of the real:’ A Conversation with Pablo Brescia.” Thomas Nulley-Valdés (trans. Spanish to English), Latin American Literature Today 4 (October) 

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